Ideal Process of Developing A Mobile Application

How To Start Developing Mobile App Development

As we all know, this century is dedicated to Information technology specially mobile application development. we are developing different kind of information mediums to connect and advertise; mobile applications are one of those mediums. Now every business is extending its reach toward mobile applications dedicated to their businesses and it is leading everyone to more and more competition in the mobile application development industry. the approach of the development of mobile application must be very clear so that it would be able to convey your business objective to your customers easily. An agile and organized way must be applied when we are going for mobile application development.

Different kinds of mobile applications are being launched on daily basis at google and apple app stores. The purpose of each application must be clear from the starting of app development i.e. Game, entertainment, video streaming, chatting, business or e-commerce application. The development approach for each app would be different from another and since the technology is being upgraded rapidly, new ways of application development are coming in existence.

There would be different stages in every agile mobile application development process that are stated below.

  1. The goal setting and understanding the aim of application development.
  2. Choosing the platform for application development.
  3. Deciding the structure and user interface of application development.
  4. Using an agile way of application development.

Process of Mobile Application Development

The mobile application development is a platform-specific process. there are major two platforms in the market, Android and iOS that have covered the almost entire mobile application development market. Now hybrid platforms are also becoming popular since it is compatible with both iOS and Android operation systems, people are seeing it as the future of mobile application development.

The iOS platform is managed by Apple company, so it fully compatible with iPhones and iPad and all other Apple products. The programming of IOS Applications is done into objective c and swift programming languages.

The MAC, a product of apple support Xcode also know as Integrated Development Environment.

The android is a product of Google and Java programming is used for its development. both the iOS and Android platforms are very popular in the market and require the high technical ability for its application development.

Following are the step by step procedure of development of mobile application.

  1. App Idea Research
  2. Take feedback from customers
  3. Decide your Revenue Model
  4. know the uniqueness of your application
  5. Select your platform
  6. Making Decisions about the Budget
  7. Marketing of Mobile Application

App Idea Research:

Firstly, we should do market research about the app idea. It is the most basic step in building a mobile app. Find the need of your app idea in the market. If you find out that there is a requirement of certain kind of application among customers then you can start working on it.

Take feedback from customers:

Take strong feedback from your potential customers, you can also ask your friend and family members for suggestions to improve the elements of your mobile application. also, compare your idea with existing apps of the same niche and try to give something more than those apps to your customers.

Decide your Revenue Model:

An app can only be stated successful by its earning data. So, it is very important to decide the ways of revenues through your app. some apps get it’s earning through ads and many apps use payment getaways by selling any product or services.

know the uniqueness of your application:

Ask your customers about the uniqueness of your app. Your app must offer a fresh idea as well as its appearance. ask them to give a rating on certain points such as, do they like the idea of application or they find the application user-friendly or not.

Select your platform:

Now it is time to select your platforms of development. weather, it is android or IOS or both. after selecting the platform of development start choosing your team members. for android application development, you will need an android developer and for IOS application development, you will need IOS developer.

Making Decisions about the Budget:

Decide all possible expenses in the mobile application development and allocate the 25% of the budget in starting. It will be good to allocate the budget in different sets of 25 to 30%.

Marketing of Mobile Application:

As we all know that lakhs of apps launched on mobile app stores on monthly basis hence it is important to do something unique to be recognized among them. set your marketing idea very smartly that focused on your target audience only. first, launch prototypes of mobile app and ask for feedback from your customer. Do it two-three times and then launch your final app to your customers. Go with ASO, social, video and all other digital platforms of marketing for your app promotion.

Since it is the digital era of marketing. No business can grow without the use of mobile applications for gaining more customers. as we all know that online marketing is growing rapidly, it makes the importance of mobile application development more valuable. A great app can be only be built through these steps, so follow these mentioned steps to get the best mobile application for your business.

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